The user goup for our smart cycling project is a Recrational Cyclist:
Our client is a recreational cyclist (rides for fun, fitness and adventure) (regular day-to-day cycling). The client is interested in fashion and in their looks.
They doesn’t want to wear sports gear all day long (in work situations / school / when
strolling in the city ect.) The client doesn’t have a place to change clothes after cycling and therefore needs cycling clothing that are suitable for work situations / school / shopping / meeting new people ect. We designed “Ready to Wear” fashionable day-to-day clothes, that are suitable for riding bicycles. The clothes have all the features of smart sports clothes, without looking like sports clothes.
Minna Cheung
Sonja Cowley
Helmi Hagelin
Our Smart cycling clothes have a lot of smart features:
We Designed a whole outfit and prototyped the trousers. The outfit consists of: